Tuition & Financial Aid Options
Westminster School offers a superior academic and enriching program for one of the most competitive tuition rates in the Northern Virginia area.
Included in the tuition are tuition refund insurance, accident insurance, high school placement services, textbooks, classroom supplies, field trips (approximately eight per year for each grade), student portraits, sports team participation and sports uniforms.
While Westminster’s tuition is indeed competitive, financing a Westminster education is a significant financial investment; therefore, Westminster School offers financial aid based on need to current and applying families.
Tuition is set annually by the Board of Trustees at a level needed to meet the costs of operation. For amounts and payment schedules, go to the Tuition and Fee Schedule. Please note the various payment plans and attendant discounts. Tuition is discounted in progressive amounts for multiple students from the same family.

Westminster School offers one of the best educational experiences in the region for a tuition that is considerably lower than that charged by comparable schools. It provides a thoroughly rounded, accelerated academic program taught by specialists in each grade. Everyday P.E. classes, a vigorous athletic program, and P.E. uniforms are included. Tuition also covers an average of seven high-quality field trips each year. All students take art, music, dance, and library classes, participate in an exciting drama program, and enjoy a wide selection of extracurricular activities. Finally, the facilities are spacious, beautiful, and extraordinarily well maintained. Yet, the Westminster program thrives solely on tuition income. What is our secret?
Actually, there is no secret, just a streamlined, well-managed enterprise. First, Westminster’s business officers have pursued a conservative fiscal policy from the time of the school’s inception. The school has invested its funds wisely through the years and avoided taking on debt. Second, a small group of highly dedicated administrators takes on a number of jobs which are typically performed by several people at other schools. While our staff compensation package is generous and competitive, a relatively small administrative staff lowers school expenditures. Third, costs for maintenance of the physical plant, buses, books, equipment, etc., are lowered by the strong sense of responsibility shared by the entire community. Students and staff take pride in the school’s environment, treating it respectfully, helping to keep it neat, and notifying the maintenance department promptly of any needed repair. The fourth reason for Westminster’s low tuition is a philosophical one. Rather than charge a high tuition to most families while providing large amounts of financial aid to a few, Westminster maintains a relatively small financial aid fund while offering the benefit of low tuition to the largest number of families.
We are proud to be able to offer a rich program, implemented with a true sense of excellence, for such a reasonable fee. It is our hope that the average, middle-class family living in Fairfax County will be able to afford this program. This was a goal of Mrs. Goll, the school’s founder, and continues to be a high priority for the current Headmaster and Board of Trustees.
Tuition 2025-2026
First Grade
Second Grade
Third Grade
Fourth Grade
Fifth - Eighth Grade
Financial Aid
We recognize that financing a Westminster education can be a challenge for some. Therefore, Westminster School awards financial-assistance grants to newly enrolling and current students based on financial need. Some families require substantial aid while others with greater means need only a modest amount. The ability to pay the tuition should not be the determining factor in whether a child applies to Westminster School. Admission to Westminster School is based entirely on the student’s qualifications; financial aid applications are considered separately.
Parents may apply online at Westminster School’s code is 1941. All financial aid awards are based on family financial need and are completely confidential. This need is determined by the Westminster School board financial aid committee, which is guided by the School and Student Service for Financial Aid (SSS) and the availability of funds in the financial aid budget. In addition to applying to SSS, parents should send their latest IRS 1040 form directly to the school, Attention: Business Manager. All financial information will be kept confidential.
Preschool students are not eligible for financial aid unless they are enrolled full-time and have a sibling enrolled at Westminster in grades K-8.
It is the long-standing policy of Westminster School to admit students without regard to sex, race, religion, color, or national or ethnic origin; nor does the school discriminate in the administration of its educational policies or other school programs.