3 Reasons Private School Shouldn’t Be Postponed Until High School Many parents who are considering private school for their children follow the same line of thinking. We’ll wait until high school. It’ll be worth it in the years leading up to college. Students only need to be challenged academically when they’re older. If you’ve had […]
The Pandemic’s Impact on Public Schools versus Private Schools
Can Private Schools Make Up Academic Ground Lost during COVID-19? The pandemic’s impact on public schools & private schools took so much from our communities. For many children attending public school, it meant at least a year of lost, diminished, or disrupted learning. As parents look for ways to fill the pandemic-generated education gap, many […]
How to Be a Well-Rounded Student
Well Rounded, Disciplined, and Confident: Profile of a Westminster School Graduate Teachers, parents, and school counselors often extol the benefits of being a well-rounded student. How to be a well-rounded student isn’t often well understood, though. What does the term specifically entail? How can students become more well-rounded, and what measures are schools like Westminster […]
Join Us June 11 for the Westminster School Diamond Jubilee Festival
Save the Date for This All-School Outdoor Event Sixty years of providing stellar education is something to celebrate, and that’s exactly what Westminster School is doing! We invite anyone in the Westminster community to join us June 11 for our Diamond Jubilee festival. Here’s what you need to know: Westminster School Diamond Jubilee Festival: The […]
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Private Schools
Why Talking about DEI Is Only Half the Battle Given everything that’s happened over the last several years, it is unsurprising that many schools are reexamining their approach to diversity, equity, and inclusion. With so many national and global events exposing systemic racial, cultural, and gender inequalities, these are worthwhile conversations. To better understand the […]
How Westminster School’s COVID-19 Response Differs from Public School
3 Ways Westminster School Is Managing the Latest Challenges of the Pandemic The pandemic has presented day-to-day challenges for nearly every aspect of life, and school is no exception. This has meant everything from unexpected closures to a lack of virtual teaching options at many public schools. The sheer number of students and the need […]
4 Benefits of Teaching Western Civilization in Elementary Education
Why Westminster School Believes in the Importance of History for Developing Minds in Elementary Education “History is just about memorizing names and dates. It has no bearing on my life today. History is boring.” There probably isn’t a single history teacher who hasn’t heard at least one of these refrains from a distraught student. History […]
The Argument for Integrating the Arts into STEM
How Westminster School’s STEAM Program Blends Traditional STEM with a Classical Education “The main purpose of education isn’t just to receive a certification that leads to a career, but to become a well-rounded person in so many aspects of life.” —Edmond Mbiaka A well-rounded education is critical for developing minds. Studying a diverse array of […]
5 Reasons to Learn Latin in the Twenty-First Century
Why Mrs. O’Drudy of Westminster School Dedicated Thirty-Six Years to Teaching Latin Any discussion of Latin inevitably leads to the phrase “dead language.” If Latin is, indeed, a dead language, why would anyone learn Latin today, and why did one teacher at Westminster School, a pre-kindergarten-to-eighth-grade private school based in Annandale, Virginia, steadfastly and enthusiastically […]