Griffin Academy Curriculum
3-year old Curriculum
Emotional Growth:
- Provide a physical environment that is healthy, safe, and nurturing.
- Provide a loving, welcoming, and joyous atmosphere for the children.
- Provide an environment of routine and consistency.
- Provide experiences that will develop qualities of responsibility and independence.
- Create opportunities for the child to practice sitting still, working independently, concentrating, following directions, and working on a task until its completion.
- Provide opportunities to develop the child’s imagination through pretend-play, creative story-telling, and art.
Social Growth
- Encourage forming friendships with classmates.
- Encourage sharing and taking turns.
- Encourage and model responsibility of caring for one’s own things as well as caring for and maintaining the classroom (simple chores assigned to each child).
- Encourage child to work cooperatively with others and to begin to understand and respect differences among individuals.
- Create an environment where conflicts are solved constructively.
- Create opportunities to practice/promote thoughtfulness and giving.
Cognitive Growth:
- Provide learning activities in language arts:
- oral language development;
- expressive language;
- increasing vocabulary;
- pre-writing activities using crayons, pencils, markers, fingerpaints, and paints;
- visual discrimination through matching, sequencing activities, and finding hidden objects;
- activities for letter and sound recognition;
- auditory discrimination through identifying familiar sounds, rhyming.
- Provide concrete activities in pre-math and reasoning:
- classifying, matching, sorting;
- patterns and sequencing;
- counting;
- beginning number recognition;
- memory skills.
- Provide learning activities in science:
- caring for the environment and for all living things;
- collecting and gathering materials from nature;
- simple experiments (such as growing seeds);
- activities to improve observation skills.
- Provide a wide range of art, drama, and music activities.
- Provide opportunities and encourage self expression through music, movement, art, and drama.
- Provide exposure to the French language through songs and simple conversation.
Physical Growth:
- Provide opportunities for large muscle development and control.
- Provide opportunities for small muscle development and control.
- Provide opportunities to develop balance and coordination, hand-eye coordination, and spatial skills.
- Encourage good habits of health, hygiene, diet, and safety.
4-year old Curriculum
Emotional Growth:
- Provide a physical environment that is healthy, safe, and nurturing.
- Provide a loving, welcoming, and joyous atmosphere for the children.
- Provide an environment of routine and consistency.
- Create an opportunity that encourages discovery and exploration.
- Create experiences that will increase a sense of competence and pride in accomplishments.
- Create opportunities that will further develop qualities of responsibility and independence.
- Provide experiences that will develop the child’s initiative and help him/her to learn to face and resolve conflict or overcome problems.
- Provide opportunities to develop the child’s imagination through pretend-play, creative story-telling, and art.
Social Growth:
- Encourage social interaction among all classmates.
- Encourage forming friendships with more than one classmate.
- Encourage sharing and taking turns.
- Encourage expressing oneself through verbal expression of feelings and thoughts.
- Encourage self-reliance and self-control.
- Encourage and model responsibility of caring for one’s own things as well as caring for and maintaining the classroom (simple chores assigned to each child).
- Encourage child to work cooperatively with others and to begin to understand and respect differences among individuals.
- Encourage compliance with rules and following directions.
- Create an environment where conflicts are solved constructively (via talking through problems and reasoning).
- Promote and create opportunities to practice thoughtfulness and giving.
Cognitive Growth:
- Provide language-development activities in listening and expressive language.
- Provide activities to develop pre-reading and reading skills through a phonics-based program:
- Alphabet recognition/sound correlation;
- Matching of letters, words, and shapes;
- Visual discrimination and memory;
- Word recognition;
- Auditory discrimination and memory.
- Provide activities to develop pre-writing and fine-motor skills:
- tracing activities;
- clay, painting and puzzles;
- creative story writing.
- Provide activities to develop beginning math skills:
- sorting, matching, and counting objects;
- grouping into sets;
- recognition and sequencing of numbers;
- recognition of shapes;
- beginning addition and subtraction skills using math manipulatives.
- Provide learning activities in science:
- caring for the environment and for all living things;
- gathering and examining materials from nature;
- simple experiments;
- activities to improve observation and memory skills.
- Provide learning activities in social studies:
- holidays and historical events during the calendar year;
- community helpers;
- simple map skills activities.
- Provide a wide range of art, drama, and music activities.
- Provide opportunities and encourage self expression through music, movement, art, and drama:
- role-playing and make-believe play;
- show-and-tell;
- acting out stories with puppets and/or props.
- Provide an environment to begin learning French.
Physical Growth:
- Provide opportunities for large muscle development and control.
- Provide opportunities for small muscle development and control.
- Provide opportunities to further develop balance and coordination, hand-eye coordination, and spatial skills.
- Encourage good habits of health, hygiene, diet, and safety.